project websiteFirst stop, the style. Releap is powered by Solana, a decentralized blockchain platform with
its own splashy design full of stuff like 3Ds, lush graphics, and animations.
Releap takes after Solana in many ways. But the first and utmost plan was to design a classy
yet functional landing page that unfolds key highlights of the company and their future
looking product.

The (future) killer of Spotify
Songs, albums, music, lyrics, and soundbites can all be NFTs. The classy ones, too.
To remind Releap users of that, we draw a few illustrations of CDs with some of the biggest
names on the covers. First, for purely aesthetic reasons. Second, to directly show the users
what Releap is all about — gathering some goddamnd good tracks and bright composers.
Using gradients is a classy design move for similar NFT-related sites. The gradients we used
for Releap are pretty bright, but at the same time, they aren’t annoying distractions that
keep people away from the site’s content.
A distinctive feature of this distinctive feature is that our gradients have a grainy texture and
thus create a bit of a vintage retro sci-fi vibe.

Tracks and team members’ cards are designed in a minimalist way with lines as the main
graphic element. For every core team member, we drew a custom cartooney illustration
supplemented by smooth & elegant animation.
sculpturing 3d abstractions
The final touch was crafting 3D abstractions. Again, to better reflect the connection to
Solana that users similar details. And, on the other hand, to make the website look as it’s
from our NFT-vivid future where art and music look a lot different from what we used to.
The figures we came up with are pretty simple, and they’re brought to life with the same
simple animations.

The mobile’s turn
After we polished the desktop and adapted it for, in particular, extra-large 2K and whatever
K screens came the mobile’s turn. We made sure the animations run smoothly, nothing’s
glitching out, and the page is fully optimized for all-size mobile devices.

Zgraya’s designs were impressive. On top of that, they worked with 3D graphics, which meant that their images were different and distinct from other competitors. Other teams didn’t offer this service.

Project team
Art Direction – Valentyna Sulima
Design – Valentyna Sulima, Serhii Bondarenko
Animation – Alex Kurchev
Management – Masha Push
Development – Alexey Kalyuzhnyi